Operation first light part 2

Okay where were we? oh right.

So I was in the back of the van slowly dosing off when suddenly I heard yelling and then the van doors opened up again. I could not see who the person was because everything was a blur, after a couple seconds I realised it was Greg who was talking to me “Phillp come on get up dude get up”.

Greg must’ve got an injection as well because he wasn’t talking anymore. I woke up tied up to a chair in the middle of a white room with a mirror which I knew was a one way window. A man started talking “Hello, is-s thi-s Phillp Gate?” “Yes…” I replied “Good I a–m F-Frank Ram-mble, but s-some peo-ple call me sh-akes” “Why?” the man spoke again “B-eca-use I h-have a s-s-stutter”.

After being asked a couple of questions the man on the phone walked through the door “Thank you Frank I’ll take it from here, sorry about him” “why am I tied up?” I asked “We need to know that we can trust you, you see this organisation has been running for years without anyone knowing. And we don’t want some big shot coming here and ruining years of work. So can we trust you?” I didn’t know what to say “um I am pretty trustworthy, ask Greg if you want. Wait where is Greg?” The man spoke again “He is safe and healthy” “I want to see him!” “Phillp you can see Greg but we need to know if we can trust you and if you want to work with us.” “Yes okay fine”

” welcome to area 53″ The man released me from my chair and told me to put on a jumpsuit, it was gray with three buttons in the neck area for looks or something. Once I put on the jumpsuit he let me out and led me down the hallway and to a door. He opened the door to the observing room which is basically a room with the one way glass window, and I was shocked at what I saw.

To be continued…

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