Bad Place, Newplace

Dear family,

It has been quite a while since I have heard from you guys, I really miss you guys. It has been very harsh lately and I think that we are probably in about our 20th day and we have about a week or a bit more to go, we have limited water and food.

We have been attacked by pirates three times already, that was three of the scariest things that has ever happened to me but luckily they only took our charms and precious items and not our water and food otherwise we would have had no chance of survival “but I really thought that we were going to die” I am not afraid of dying, but dying in that manner would be just awful!

On board our boat there are about 30 people on a 12.5 meter boat but we deal with it. We sing each other songs every night and play games with the young ones, its rather fun but very sad at the same time, there is one baby about a year old that doesn’t stop crying all night and all day long so it’s hard to get to sleep at night or to relax in the day.

The food is pretty harsh, we get 2 bowls of rice a day, at least it feeds us and I’m thankful for that we even get any food. One day I went without eating only because maybe one day I might need some food.

I want to go home but people say that it is too dangerous and really scary, I miss all my family and friends but soon I will be getting off this boat to a peaceful country or camp with a better future and a good lifestyle but my main worry is getting put in a detention centre with outlaw people and I don’t like getting locked up because when I was a kid I got locked up for stealing bread and milk from the local dairy shop and got sentenced to 3 years in a juvenile prison and I thought that it was a stupid punishment like I would rather be picking up rubbish for three years than that.

7 Days Later- we made the trip, The thing we have been waiting for the 27 days on the ocean, we have landed at New Zealand about 945 km east of Australia and been put in a camp for a while. Thank god! I will never do that again!

Love Bodee
