Operation first light part 1

A lot of people think it would be cool to have super powers, but what if you got them by accident? And on top of that what if you couldn’t control it? My name is Phillip Gate and I have been on the run for a while now, why? well I guess i’ll tell you the whole story.

In school I always wanted to go to university to study biology after I left school, I always stayed after school to get help for science assignments and stuff like that. I wasn’t a very sociable kid in fact the only friend I had at school was Greg Burton, he also was interested in biology. Fast forward a couple years, I graduated and went to university, without knowing my friend Greg applied for the same university as me. Fast forward another year, I was nearly done with my year at university until one day i was in the cafe studying and eating.

Until I got a phone call, I answered and before I said hello a man spoke in a quiet voice, he said “Hello Phillip Gate, yes you may be shocked but we have been watching you for quite some time now” “Who is this?” I was really scared at the time. “What we are is not important, but what is important is that you are an intelligent person and we are offering you a place in our organisation”. “Um well I still have a we-” The man finished my sentence for me, “Yes we are aware of your week left in university” “How did you?” “we have already taken care of it, meet me in the alley behind the cafe.

I walked into a trap without even knowing it, suddenly I heard the ear piercing noise of screeching tyres as a van rolled up, I stood there stunned “If you run we will shoot you, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!”. My hands shot up as quickly as I could.

A man ran up to me and pulled me into the back of the van, all of the men were wearing masks. One of them Stuck a needle into my neck then got out and slammed the doors behind him THUD.

I hit the ground. To be continued…

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