Operation first light part 3

I was shocked at what I saw, it was Greg attached to a strange machine with lots of glowing lights and it sounded like it was charging up.

The man in the suit spoke to me one last time, “You see, Greg isn’t as intellectual as you. So we simply have no use for him, you on th-“. THUD, I punched him in the nose and yelled “Greg is my friend!”. He jokingly said “you are too late”. THUD, he hit the wall that time after I punched him, he was out cold.

I grabbed the chair in the room and hit the window BANG, BANG, BANG. I smashed and jumped through the window and tried to unplug all of the wires but then Greg spoke, “Phillip…you need to run” I replied to him “No i’m getting you ou-” BOOM.

An explosion of green light rumbled, tossing me backwards, I was knocked out once again. I woke up and I felt strange, suddenly a green glow came out off my hands and swirled around the room. Three men bashed through the door with rifles and yelled “PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!” I put my hands out in front of me and green lasers shot out of my hands and blew a hole in all the the men’s chests. Then when I thought it was over, I started to walk out of the room but then I sprinted into the hallway with a green trail behind me. “Hell Yes..”, I said to myself as I sprinted at light speed out of the building onto the airport tarmac, then all of a sudden I felt really sick and vomited on the ground.

Then an alarm went off and more guys with guns started to shoot. I sprinted out of the base and into the city, three helicopters were following me and what sounded like ten cars following me. I kept running until I found a tunnel and quickly ran through it and found an abandoned building which is where I lost them. And this is where I have been living, in an abandoned building,

Im not really sure what to do now, so yeah.

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