My Week

First of all this week is not starting out on a Monday. It was Friday afternoon when one of my friends told me he and a few others were going kayaking  on the weekend. As I had nothing planned I asked if i could tag along. My mate said yes so I was hyped for the weekend.

Friday night came and I was feeling pretty sick, I thought it was just going to be for the night but it lasted all weekend unfortunately. I was sick from Friday night till Monday night. The good thing though, it was raining all weekend so i didn’t miss out on anything, my friends didn’t go anywhere and neither did I. So it worked out good apart from me being sick because I hate being sick and im sure everyone else does  as well.

The week carried on and I was back at school after I had the Monday off due to sickness. Now that I say that though being sick isn’t too bad if you miss out on school.

My cool but weird dream.

Saturday, 14 of May. I was going to bed reasonably early for a weekend, it was around 11 pm. I started to fall asleep but I wasn’t fully asleep yet, this is when my lucid dream started. ( A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.) I was lying there thinking and then I suddenly appeared to be inside of a jail cell. It wasn’t the worst jail cell in the world, I mean it was almost better than my room except it had a huge metal gate locking me in. The cell was pretty cool; it had a rack of guitars and a skateboard in the corner. Now that i think of it though, there was no bed or even a pillow. Anyway moving on, I was walking through the cell wondering why I was here, I then saw a box which had 2 knives sitting on top of it. I was looking at both knives for a long period of time wondering why they were here. Not thinking I grabbed one of the knives and put it in my pants as protection thinking I was going to have to fight inside of jail. But really I was the only one there I can remember.

Then I some how ended up on the side of the street with a guitar in my hand. I was playing one of the songs I had learnt that day by Green Day. It was weird because I was trying to talk to people but nobody would talk or even look at me as if I wasn’t even there.

At this point I was walking, I have no idea where but i ended up at the top of my street where I was in a bus heading around to the shops to do some kind of community service. I arrived at the shops and walked in to quickly grab some food. I was walking out of the shops when I saw 3 police officers standing there staring straight at me. I was wondering why there were 3 police officers here now. I walked out and one grabbed me by the shoulder as another police woman started to question me. They were asking me about some murder case that had happened to our school canteen lady. I was answering honestly and saying I had no idea what they were on about. I was reasonably calm at this point till I realised that I had a knife in my pants which could have been the murder weapon.

I was starting to sweat now, and they were asking what was going on. I told them I was dehydrated and needed a drink. They let me go for a little walk over to a nearby drink fountain where I threw the knife into a bush as far in as I could. I walked back to where the officers were and they were suddenly not there.

I then woke up and it was 2 am in the morning.

Fishing Day

On Friday 2nd my cousin and I all day were organising to go fishing. I got home from school and started getting my stuff ready for the morning. I had to re-rig my reel and sort out my tackle box. After about an hour of sorting everything out I was ready for the morning. I then went to sleep and… woke up late as usual.
My cousin called me and asked me to come down, I got straight up, grabbed my stuff and went. It was fairly windy for a day out fishing but it wasn’t the worst day I’ve been. There were lots of fish hungry for food so we had some good fish biting our bait. At the start we were just catching tiny little bream but as the day went on the fish got bigger.
By 11:30 people were catching Mangrove Jacks and big cod around us. In the meantime I’m here still catching bream. About 20 minutes later i hooked on to something big but my line wasn’t heavy enough to handle it so it straight away snapped off. My cousin then came to where i got snapped off and tried to catch it, the only problem was his line wasn’t strong enough either, his rod snapped straight off.
After that we pretty much just re-rigged our line and went home. there was no use in trying because we would havejust kept losing our gear. It was a great day out fishing and well worth the loss. Will definitely be going again.

My 14th B’day

My 14th Birthday, The day we left was bright and sunny. The news report said it was going to be the same all weekend. As the drive went on the clouds got darker. The rain was building. We were only half way there and the rain was beating us to the camp site. In the car we were thinking about how we were going to set up while it was pouring down rain.


The rain started to get really heavy and the mud started to get thicker and the car started to sink; we were getting bogged. Luckily enough we were not far off our camp and the car had enough power to get us through. My friend Jack and I jumped out of the car and started to help set up. The tent was up within about 15 minutes and we were all good. As the day progressed the rain went away and we were able to start a fire, ready for dinner.


For dinner we had stew with damper it was one of the best stews I’ve ever had, it was made by my grand dad. After dinner Jack, my cousins and I were all playing spotlight around the bushes. It was great. We played spotlight for about an hour and a half and then we had to go back into camp. We got back to our camp spot and hung around the warm fire for about an hour then went to bed.


The next day it was raining in the morning when we woke up. It was pretty early, around 7 o’clock once everyone was awake. For breaky we had baked beans on toast with sausages. After breakfast everyone got changed and we were just walking around checking out the area there wasn’t too much around. We decided to walk down to the beach and check the swell out. It wasn’t the biggest swell but it was decent.

Later on in the day my uncle took Jack, my cousins and I down to the beach. The waves were pretty normal until one big wave came through which had a barrel like I’ve never seen before. The barrel was so thin and the wave was so big and blue it was amazing, I just wish i had a gopro or something to capture it with. Afterwards we headed back to camp and spent the rest of the day hanging around there and riding motorbikes.


It was a great 2 days but the next day we had to pack up and leave. I will soon return to see that wave again and capture it.






On Thursday morning I was riding my bike around the town. 20 minutes in I heard a weird noise coming from my crank I didn’t bother checking and decided to keep riding.  Five minutes later I heard a load of loud clinking and the sound of something scraping along the ground.   This time I decide to stop. I realised my chain was broken and checked through my bag for my phone. After 5 minutes of searching through the bag I remembered I left it plugged in charging on the bench.


It was too far to just walk home so I sat on a nearby bench and waited for someone to come by. Twenty minutes past and still not one person had come past. I remember putting a big ball of elastic bands in my bag because I was using them for glove guns.  It was getting really hot out and I decided to play with the elastic bands to take my mind off the heat.


I was thinking of ways how I could fix my chain but couldn’t think of one way.  The heat was getting to me and I was getting dehydrated I was very close to being out of water and needed to get out of here. I decided to start walking.  After about 100 metres of walking I thought of a way to make my bike run again. I sat on the ground and starting joining the elastic bands together in a chain formation.  Finally I got to my last band and measured it next to my chainIt was the exact same size it had turned out better than I thought. I joined the first and the last band around the crank and made it into a chain.  It made the bike go but was very fragile, it was working quite well but I had to be careful. It was a bit faster than walking but as I had to go slow.  It was a bit longer than if I had a normal chain. I got home quite late but at least I made it home.

Strange Events


We were sitting out at the cinema when a bright green light lit up the sky behind the screen, coming in from the east and it disappeared a few seconds later. Seeing it in Kalbarri we were thinking we were the only ones to see it; we had seen this halfway through the movie and weren’t that worried. Everyone kept watching till the end. p.s was a good movie.


When we got home we were scrolling through Facebook when I came across an article title, bright green light starts big bush fire in Broome. I was wondering how it got so far up when it looked so close.


Firefighters weren’t sure what it was yet as the fire hadn’t been put out yet after hours of trying to put out the fire all they found was a burning car they were quite sure this wasn’t what had came from the sky and were shocked by finding just a burnt car they thought they were going to have to be dealing with  some kind of alien or something alike.


Its now been weeks since this happened and they still aren’t sure what it was they are thinking it could have just been a comet that bunt out but it doesn’t explain why it was green and then a big flash afterwards.

Oh well i guess we will find out once the aliens start destroying the world…

My Weekend

On my weekend I and some friends swam across the river. We went for a long walk we ended up playing around in a heap of waves and getting smashed and heaps of sand in our nose. Luckily for Luke he lost his $200 watch he was really happy…

We looked for Luke’s watch for about 30minutes we saw it washed up once but it got sucked back in and we didn’t see it again. We walked back and ended up seeing 2 dead blowfish (Nigel’s) Luke was really angry.

Whilst we were walking we ended up finding a really old coke can that expired in 2015 we opened it up and started to drink it. it tasted pretty normal but it fizzed up as soon as it hit your mouth and was really warm.

We waited for Luke to catch back up and started swimming back across the river and left Wally behind. He stayed in the same spot for about 10 minutes. In the meantime I Luke and jack had got ready and jack had left to go home. Me and Luke met these Switzerland people who didn’t speak English we had fun with them and left wally to talk to them.

We rode off while wally was talking to them and went to get chips and a drink. After we had eaten we realised we left wally and we didn’t know where he was. He ended up just going home.