Not much happened this week, well beside the athletics carnival that took place over three days last week. Didn’t do much during the weekend either. Not really sure about what I should talk about. Well I did watch a TV show that I found pretty interesting over the weekend. So, why not, let’s talk about that.

The show One Punch Man is a Newly released TV series with only one season that’s twelve episodes long. However, a second season has just been announced for the show.

One Punch Man is about a man who’s a hero for fun. He is so powerful that all enemies that he encounters are defeated after just one punch, hence the name, One Punch Man. He does not possess any super powers or anything like that. He just trained for three years, in fact, he trained so hard that he went completely bald. Whereas many of the other heroes in the show have super powers or are cyborgs.

The show is an anime but it doesn’t act like one. In fact it’s purpose is to make fun of the genre. More the action and superhero oriented animes. It constantly makes fun of the tropes that the genre generally carries. Because of this the show is generally more as a comedy than anything else.

At the time that I watched it, the show was only available in Japanese with English subtitles which could off put many people from watching. However, it has been announced that the show will be dubbed in English. This means that the show can be viewed with full English voice acting which may help many to want to watch it.

I recommend that you give this show a chance, it does not matter if you enjoy anime or have ever seen one before as it is a great way to get into the genre. Try it out, you never know if you’ll like it without first attempting to watch.

Fathers Day

Fathers day, the day we acknowledge our dads for the great people they are. This year our family celebrated Fathers day a few hours early due to me working and him working as well. So on the eve of Fathers day we brought dad his present. He was very happy with his present and couldn’t ask for more when he knew another present was coming in the mail still. Anyway I suppose you want to know what we got him. So it started off with a card which we had made custom for him from one of the card makers in town. The card was covered by 3d pokemon that turned into a box. We then brought out his big box, inside the box was a tonne of camping gear which he is going to need very soon since he has just bought a new rooftop tent. Our family has planned to go camping in late November or Early December, hopefully. The present, which is coming in the mail still, is a biltong/beef jerky maker which is going to be awesome. I’m still not sure if we chose to buy it for us or him hahaha. Our family eats lot of beef jerky so this will most likely be used everyday. I hope all the Fathers have had a great Fathers day and continue to do what your doing.

List below what you bought your dad for Fathers day.