Dear family
I have to leave our house because it is in ruins and in flames.
I am in a refugee camp and I have been gone for about a year now and I really want to return home but I can’t because someone says it is still too dangerous to return home.
I really miss the good food like pizza and spaghetti and most of all I miss my friends and I really miss Jacques beach but here there is no beach and I don’t know anyone here.
I don’t have hardly anything but the things I found were a knife and a back-pack and some bananas.
The way I got to this refugee camp was on a refugee boat. I don’t know where here is but it is somewhere far away from our house and it is better to live in.
I got on the boat and I said to the driver “where are we going?” and he said “we are going somewhere else but not here” and I said “OK” then we travelled overseas for about 3 days then we had our only encounter with the pirates.
The pirates stopped next to our boat. I tried to hide my knife as hard as I could. The pirates came on board and stole everyone’s belongings but when a person refused to the pirate so the pirate pulled out his sword then stabbed the man in the stomach and then the man fell to the ground. The pirate took his stuff and then said “anyone else want to refuse?” then no one spoke.
Then the pirates left then I got my knife out and put it in my pocket. Then the next day we ran out of water and food but luckily we found the refugee camp and now I have been here for a year.
I hopefully am coming home soon.
Love from Harrison
Good story Harrison! Well done.
I notice you have used at least the word “then” at least 7 times in the last two paragraphs. This can make your story sound a bit boring. Instead look for other ways to say ‘then’ such as – later on, after a while, later that day, the next day, that night, and so on. It makes it more interesting to mix it all up.