How It Feels To Be Excluded

Imagine if you were forgotten or in my case excluded it feels horrible.  It makes you feel alone and like you have no friends or family and your heart it just gets ripped out. It makes you want to go all out with anger and aggression. If you were being excluded what would do?  Would you walk away and cry or stand up to them. I would stand up to them because if I didn’t I would regret it. I would probably go and hide in fear like I had done something really bad.  If you were excluded once you would probably get excluded again and again. So you are going to have to do something about it by finding new friends and making a new bond with them.  It’s kind of like a chain.  If you are getting excluded please see somebody because you will feel a lot better.

One thought on “How It Feels To Be Excluded

  1. Beau, what I really like about your post is that you give some advice on what to do if you feel excluded and that is important. Well done.

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