my weekend

On the weekend me Lachlan jack and Wally swam across the river to this spot we always go to for a swim it’s a really fun shore break. At the start we were at the usual spot that we swim in and it was actually really fun and we were all getting some sick waves and it was actually one of the best days I’ve had there until… we decided to go a bit further up to this other spot to see if that was any good waves there on our way there is this rock platform that you can stand on and when the waves come in it hits the rock and sprays up and at one stage there was this really sketchy rock pool thing there and Lachlan dared me to go in there and I did and out of nowhere one of the biggest sets of the day came in but luckily I got out because if I didn’t I would have got swept back into the water and either got really hurt or swept out with the rip. After that we walked over to the beach part that was pretty fun we swam in there for a bit after I got out so I dug a hole for myself and laid in it and Lachlan jack and wally filled it up with sand but before they covered my arm I gave it to wally so it wouldn’t get any sand in it and break it then we went back into the water and wall gave it back and I was putting my watch on and I fell over and it went flying and we couldn’t find it we all look for like 30 min and we couldn’t find it so we just gave up when we walked back we saw Nigel aka the north west blowfish. We kept walking and out of nowhere we found another Nigel he was a bit dry and not happy we picked him up And he had heaps of maggots in him that was yuck a few minutes later we came across a coke can and it was really old but we were thirsty but we kind of trolled jack and he thought we were drinking it but we weren’t when we were coming back I just kept swimming and I didn’t look back cause I wanted to get back quick but when I reached land I turned around and wally wasn’t even half way so we waited for him and he got to bird poo island but instead he decided to swim all the way to the land we waited for like 20 mins and whilst we were waiting we met these Switzerland couple they were nice. After me and Lachlan got chips and the owner of the shop Russell told us that that coke bottle we found was actually worth money and then we ate chips and that’s my cool day J

One thought on “my weekend

  1. Wow Luke, that was a very exciting day you and your friends had. I really enjoyed reading about it.
    Great writing too although you could improve it by reading it aloud and inserting full stops when you need to stop followed by a capital letter. Proper nouns like Wally, Jack and Lachlan must also have a capital letter.
    I hope the Swiss couple enjoyed Kalbarri.

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