As part of their English homework, students will be given a reading log to complete and hand in for marking each Thursday. They are required to read a minimum of half an hour each week night. Please sign this once a week to confirm they are doing this.

In Term 1 the Year 9 class will be divided into 4 reading groups, two of which will be allowed to choose their own novel if they wish. As well as reading at home, they will have one period a week of silent reading in the library and one period of writing tasks based on their novel.  These groups are, I feel,  strong readers who will read at their own pace, changing books as they finish them.

The other two groups will be given the novel HOLES  by Louis Sachar to read and, similarly, will have one period of silent reading and one period of writing tasks around this novel. They will be expected to read a certain amount at home for their reading log.  I recognise these students as reluctant readers and encourage you to help them along with their reading even if that means you reading some of it out loud to them or taking turns in reading. The main aim is for your child to enjoy the story and to understand it.

Term 1 novel

Term 1 novel

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