How to comment

To be entirely honest. I don’t know really know how to exactly and correctly make a comment. There shouldn’t necessarily be a certain way that you should comment. Its your own opinion, you can say whatever you want. If you wanna say something extremely negative. Than say it. Just be aware of the consequences that come from the things you say. No matter what you say there is going to be some kind of back lash. Your going to anger someone somewhere no matter what. If you do get a negative comment on anything you post, just ignore it. Or even better, just mess with them. Say something to confuse them or trick them because the people who usually write those comments are complete idiots and easy to trick. But whatever. Ill just talk about my little guide on how to comment.

The first thing I would say is that while that you definitely shouldn’t be negative on your commenting, you don’t necessarily have to be positive. Someone’s work might be an absolute pile of rubbish. Don’t tell them that its good then they’ll just continue to make the same mistakes. Just tell them that it needs work and how they could improve their writing. Constructive feedback and being honest can help someone with improving themselves but it doesn’t mean its okay to be negative.

You should also at least make your comment somewhat relevant and have some significance. You don’t care and the people who say it don’t care if you say good job, or nice work. If your not being constructive at least add something to the topic. Your input really isn’t needed if it doesn’t mean anything. If its not going to be relevant or helpful don’t even bother writing it, no one cares.

And please just spell correctly. I’m sick of seeing the most illogical and poorly spelt comment ever imaginable. Read over it and try to rephrase it if it doesn’t make sense. What is the point of something that nobody can make sense of. I’m just sick of it all.

But what’s the point of even writing this. Everyone whos going to read will likely already know all of these things and applied to their commenting a long time ago. They’ve also probably already heard these things over and over again on literally everyone else’s blogs. And the people who do need to read this. most certainly won’t. I don’t even know why we bother. Those people who do the exact opposite of everything me and just about everyone else has said will continue to do those things across the interwebs.

I think you get the point, so ill just stop there and call an end.

About Me

Ummm, hi. My name is Jordan I live in Kalbarri which is located six hours north of Perth along the coast of WA. I am 14 years of age and enjoy things such as surfing, footy, swimming and a little bit of diving. I live with a family of four. I only have one brother who is younger than me and a complete rat. I also live with my mummy and daddy. I also like to listen to music and currently excited to get my hands on the Green Day Album. It’s going to be so good. Other bands that I enjoy a lot are My Chemical Romance, System of a Down, Limp Bizkit, Neon Trees and many more.

In my spare time I either listen to music or go for a surf. There are plenty of places to surf in Kalbarri. For when the swell is smaller and as long as there is no swell beaches such as Blue Holes, Dang Dangs or Echoes are all really good spots. The surf spot that Kalbarri is most famous for is Jacques Beach. Jacques beach is about a five minute drive south of town and actually holds three really good surf breaks. These include breaks are known as The Point, Lopes and The Bay. All of these breaks kinda connect together so that when you get a really good and a really big wave. You can ride it all the way from the start of the point, through Lopes and into the bay.

But if there is no swell. Then there is a problem. I used to free dive when it was good but I can’t really do it anymore mainly due to the fact that I don’t have a spear gun any more. That’s because dad accidentally snapped it while loading it. Plus I couldn’t ever equalise due to my sinuses being blocked. To equalise is to like make the pressure in your ear drum equal to the pressure of the water that is applying it. Or something like that. I’ll still occasionally go for a snorkel or something but if its dead flat then I’d just grab a couple of mates and go rock jumping down at pot alley.

I attend school at Kalbarri District High School because it is the only school in Kalbarri and the nearest school is about another 100km’s away. Kalbarri is only a small town with about 2000 people living it, I think, not really sure. Kalbarri is mainly located alongside a river known as Murchison River. But there are still many beaches located nearby as mentioned before. When you follow the river further in land you come across the national park and in it are locations like the gorges, natures window the z bend and many more. I really haven’t gone to any of these locations for a long time so I can’t really remember what the locations are like but I hear that they are really nice.

There is not really a general sport that the majority of the town revolves around. A fair few people are from NSW and Queensland so they more enjoy rugby but there isn’t a team for it. Some people play footy some play golf, some play a bit of cricket. A large amount of women in the community play netball though. You don’t see too many footy games in Kalbarri, there is only like one or two games that get held here a year. But everyone is generally pretty enthusiastic about them and you get some pretty good crowds on those days.

But for the majority of the time you’ll have to go to Northampton or further get any consistent games being played. Most kids that play footy play for the Northampton rams and play against other clubs from Geraldton, Dongara, and many more. I usually play for Northampton as well but this year I didn’t as there weren’t enough players for a team. But my brother does play for them now.

And that’s pretty much me.

Year 9 Essays

The year 9 students were recently given an unexpected in-class assignment which was to write an essay about a character in the novel they are currently reading for homework. On the whole, the essays were of a good standard. I have included a few here but please remember the students were not warned about the essay nor did they have planning time so these are basically a first draft.  This work belongs to Grace, Jordan, Macey, Lochie and Kayden and are just a few examples.






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