Missing Parts

It all started when he didn’t arrive to his own birthday. Tim was his name and he was my favourite friend, we grew up together being best friends. We were 16 at the time Tim loved celebrations and I knew something was up when he didn’t show up to his sweet 16th.  I had to go and investigate!

I asked a few people at the party if they knew where he might be. They didn’t. I called his parents to ask if they had any information on where he might be but they had nothing. Nobody knew anything. Tim always liked people knowing where he was and if he didn’t have time to tell people he would usually leave a note on his kitchen table. So I then went to his house to check if he had and I thought maybe he could have still been there. He wasn’t and there was no note on the kitchen table. That’s when I really started to worry! I started to look in cupboards, under the bed- anywhere his body could fit. I called his name numerous times.

I called 000 but it went straight to the beeping. I tried calling again and it went straight to the beeping again. So I tried calling his number. It went to his voice mail and as I went to hang up I heard that his message was different. It used to be a boring ‘hi you’ve reached Tim…’ but it had changed. Tim was talking serious and was reading out a destination. I decided that if I wanted to find him my best chance would be looking there.

The destination was a big house, it had no lights on and it looked as if it was deserted. I opened the door. It was pitch black. The first step I took into the house everything changed. Disco lights came on and the music was turned louder than ever.  Loads of people including my best friend jumped out with balloons and party poppers. And they all yelled ‘HAPPY ONE YEAR CANCER FREE!’



I woke to the beautiful sound of waves crashing on the shore. The morning air was cold and salty. I stepped out of my tent, sand creeping in between my toes and ran over towards my family.

We have been camping for a week now up north at The Bluff, and today we went snorkelling. The water was amazing. We jumped off a rock called fish rock – it’s the best rock to go fishing off – and then swam out past the waves. The water was crystal clear and the surface was calm and glassy. In the first ten minutes a large manta ray glided past me, its thin flaps cutting the water. I swam through a small tunnel of rocks surrounded with tiny blue glowing fish. I also swam alongside with two turtles, one small and one quite large. I saw three parrot fish, their colours bright like a rainbow. I started to get shivers running all over my body so I turned towards the shore and got out. The sun was hot on my skin and I dried quickly without using my towel.

Our camp site is on a hill, they have a shack there and we also set up some tents of our own. The shacks called The Stone Shack. My feet were burning by the time I got all the way up to the shack. We were invited to the Durant’s house for dinner that night, they live at The Bluff. The dinner there was divine, we had Cray balls- I don’t like Cray fish but I have to admit they were good.

By the end of the day I was overly tired and went straight bed and wrote this.